– followed by an in-depth discussion of this correlate of Gaia Theory
We know how our bodies react when we get an injury: nutrients,
enzymes, energy, and instructions are sent to the cells in the injured
area, empowering them to do the healing.
The more that we tune into energy from the Earth, the more we will be
strengthened and guided in the healing process, and expand it by
passing the energy and information on to other members of our species.
The more severe the injury gets, the stronger and more powerful the
healing energy gets. That's what's happening right now. Just remember,
for 3 billion years Mother Earth has had a great track record dealing with
injuries. The sun has gotten 25% hotter during that time, but she's kept
her cool. She's been bopped by comets and bounced back. This time,
she's been hit pretty bad -- a one-two punch of ecosystem destruction
and climate change. But this time, we are being empowered to deal with
those cells of our own species who are out of balance, and we've got the
one-two hug of activism and spirit. We stop 'em, and we show 'em the
new way.
So please spread the word that we are not alone in dealing with our
problems. Gaia is right there with us, helping all those who open to who
we really are – cells in the body of a most miraculous, living planet.
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Gaia Theory, the new science of Earth systems,
describes our planet as a living, dynamic entity, a
physical body capable of maintaining conditions favorable
to life throughout the last 3 billion years of drastic
change. With the advanced technology now available to
us, we are able to learn more about the big picture of
where we are -- within a living, breathing, spinning body,
a body like no other, an immense sphere of rock, air,
water, land and life known to scientists by the name of
a Goddess – Gaia.
The whole Earth system is alive, and scientists talk of it’s
anatomy and physiology like they talk of the anatomy and
physiology of our own body. The basic units of our
body are called cells. They are the ones that reproduce
and form groups of different kinds to put together the
tissues that make up the organs that keep our body
functioning in a healthy balance.
If the whole Earth is a living body, then what are the
cells? What are the basic units that reproduce and form
the building blocks of life? They must be each being,
each butterfly and bear, each person and pine tree, each
fish and flower. They are the individual organisms of all
the different species that reproduce and make up the
ecosystems -- on the land, in the soil, and in the water –
which keep the planet in balance.
If we are cells in the Earth’s body, along
with all the other animals and plants, then each of us is
in a direct, practical, functional relationship with our planet.
In addition to doing our part as animals -- breathing in
oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide, creating beauty
and song – in the special circumstances that the Earth is
facing today, there is more that we are being empowered
to do.
When our own body gets an injury: energy is sent to
the cells who are doing the healing. When the Earth as
whole is being injured, then energy is being sent to those
of us who are helping.
The more that we help, the more we will be helped.
The more time we spend directly connecting with the
Earth, the more Earth will be able to strengthen and
guide us.
As knowledge spreads to others of the mutually supporting
relationship between us and the Earth, between all of us
cells and our larger body, the faster and more smoothly
will we and our planet heal.
With our own bodies, the more severe an injury gets, the
stronger the healing energy grows.
Many people who I have spoken to have noticed that this
is true for the Earth as well. Over the years, the energy
available from Nature has become stronger and easier for
us to feel, and there is an important reason for this.
A major struggle is going on right now for the fate of the
Earth and future generations. As the injuries to the Earth
keep increasing, some are losing hope. But we need to
remember that the Earth has a great track record for
dealing with disturbances. The sun has gotten 25% hotter
over the last 3 billion years, but she’s kept her cool.
Salt from the land is continuously being washed down into
the oceans by rain, yet the oceans have not gotten any
saltier. Earth has an extraordinary power to maintain
balance. What is different now is that we humans are a
crucial part of the process.
So it’s important to realize how our own strength mirrors
the strength of the Earth in which we are a part.
Looking thoroughly around the world, like Paul Hawken did
in the research behind his book, “Blessed Unrest,” we can
see that we are growing stronger and stronger day by day,
and that our response is more diverse than the problem.
We’ve got it surrounded by little grassroots groups all over
the world – everything from recycling to organic farming,
alternative energy, and spiritual ceremonies. The more we
become aware of each other, and who we are in relation
to the Earth, the more our strength will grow.
We are cells in Earth’s body, and we are being given
energy to heal.
The cells in our own body are very devoted to our health
and happiness, so it’s not surprising that a lot of people all
over the Earth are very devoted to the health of our larger
Here's a thought that is especially important to bring up when talking
with people who are used to thinking of Mother Earth as being only the
ground beneath our feet, and who would therefore say that we are cells
on Earth's body, rather than in it.
The air is the skin of the Earth . . .
shielding, warming, yet open and fluid
When considering all of the Earth, it becomes clear that the
air, the atmosphere with its billowing clouds, rainbows and
lightning, is as much a part of Earth’s body as the ground
beneath our feet. The atmosphere is like the skin of the
As the outermost part, it protects us from ultraviolet
light with the ozone layer, and keeps us warm with the
greenhouse gases that are naturally provided by life on the
surface (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide).
Without life, the atmosphere would be very different,
and our world would be 60 degrees colder. This means
that with the breath of all its creatures, life has provided
itself with a protective shield, like the shell of a turtle.
But it is also open, free and clear for the warmth of the
sun to shine through, for molecules to move back and
forth between ocean and soil, between plants, animals,
fungi and microbes, for seeds to blow and birds to fly.
One of Earth's most powerful, important parts is also its
Truly, the Earth is a living, breathing, spinning body like no other!